Runner(day by day)

6/14 voca

클레어런스 2015. 11. 9. 18:29

plumber -  a person who fixes water systems


checkout stand - the place where you pay for items


employ - to give a job to


authoritative - someone in authoritym someone in a higher position


beachcomber - a person who finds things along the beach


cabin - a shelter built for lodging


barter - to give one thing in exchange for another


pension - money that is saved for retirement


variety - many different things


hot ait balloon - a balloon used to transport people


passengers - people who ride in a vehicle  


mystery - something we don't yet know


visiblity - being able to see


routines - things we do continously or everyday




If Clause , Result Clause



If I had a dog I would pet him

If I won the lotto I would buy a new car

If I were a hammer I would hammer in the morning





Error correction


If the money remained I would do ~~~